Astronomer and Author Donald Goldsmith is joined by Chris Carberry CEO and Co-founder of Explore Mars to discuss whether Robotic Astronauts should establish the first Mars Settlement?

If our species survives long enough it appears inevitable that humans will one day embark on missions to deep space including Mars…the question remains when? Some are planning for missions within the next decade others given the range of hard problems, challenges and existential issues here are offering a different path calling for humans to go only after we have exploited the potential and capabilities of automated explorers and related technologies.

Donald Goldsmith is an astronomer and the author, co-author, or editor of 21 books on astronomy, astrophysics, and physics.
Twitter: @DonaldG09873329

Space influencer Chris Carberry is the
Co-founder and CEO of Explore Mars, Inc.
Twitter: @Carberry2033


Kris Kimel is the Founder of Humanity in Deep Space™ and co-founder of the commercial space company Space Tango. @KrisKimel