Episode #3: Where is Everybody?

One of the drivers of deep space exploration involves the search for life, intelligent (Drake Equation) or otherwise, on another planet in the cosmos. Are we alone in the universe or is there other intelligent life out there? And if it is out there, where is everybody? (Fermi Paradox).

Humanity in Deep Space invites you to join a philosopher and a biologist who both have thought deeply about this subject for a discussion surrounding the implications and search for life in the universe. They will explore a range of questions including: What is the actual probability of past or present “life” on other planets? Might there be life forms out there that we may not be able to recognize as such? What are the ethical implications and risks of searching for and perhaps finding any form of life on another planet? And more…


Episode #2: Farming Mars


Episode #4: Time For A Prime Directive?