Barbara Flexter Barbara Flexter

Harsh Bais


Harsh Bais is a Plant Biotechnologist at the University of Delaware who focuses on understanding the biological significance of root exudation. His research pursues a multidisciplinary approach by interfacing plant biology and chemistry to unravel the underground communication process.

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Barbara Flexter Barbara Flexter

Governor Andy Beshear


Andy Beshear is the current Governor of Kentucky. He graduated magna cum laude from Vanderbilt University and earned his Juris Doctor degree from the University of Virginia School of Law where he was a Dean’s Scholar. After law school, Andy worked at an international law firm based in Washington, D.C. He then moved back to Kentucky and continued his legal career at Stites & Harbison. Andy is the son of former Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear and he grew up in Lexington.

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Barbara Flexter Barbara Flexter

Twyman Clements


Twyman Clements is Co-founder and President of SpaceTango. The company provides R&D and manufacturing of health and technology products in space to create value and transformational solutions.


Twitter: @Hi_Twyman and @SpaceTango

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Barbara Flexter Barbara Flexter

Lynn Harper


Lynn Harper is Lead of Integrative Studies at the NASA Ames Research Center Space Portal.  She was the initiating founder of the science of Astrobiology and also served as the Chief of Advanced Life Support at NASA Ames where her teams developed bioregenerative life support technologies that resulted in world record wheat yields using techniques applicable to off-world settlements.

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Barbara Flexter Barbara Flexter

Dr. Matthew Mickens


Dr. Matthew Mickens is the Chief Science Officer of Elevate Farms, which is an up-and-coming launcher of indoor vertical farms globally. Previously, he was a Plant Scientist at NASA Kennedy Space Center where he produced groundbreaking publications on LED lighting recipes for salad crops grown aboard the International Space Station and beyond. 


Twitter: @elevatefarms

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Barbara Flexter Barbara Flexter

Dr. Gary Stutte


Dr. Gary Stutte is founder and president of SyNRGE, LLC, providing support to Earth and Space based food production systems.  Prior to this, he developed systems for growing in plants in space for NASA and was principal investigator on multiple experiments on the International Space Station.

Website: SyNRGE_LLC

Twitter: @SyNRGE_LLC

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