Interested in Becoming a Sponsor?


Humanity In Deep Space™ is a project and planetary conversation that explores the constellation of issues and challenges from science to health, psychology, food, the humanities, economics, governance, space ethics, etc., that must be addressed as our species continues the transition to a spacefaring civilizations. And equally these understandings, insights and advances can be leveraged now to enhance life and humanity on Earth.

Begun in late 2019 this nonprofit initiative involves an interdisciplinary group of creative minds, space professionals, philosophers, artists, etc., committed to a better understanding of how we can maintain and extend our humanity as we leave the planet and embrace deep space as part of our living experience.


The project primarily achieves its mission through webcasts, virtual discussions, shared and original content and special live events.

The initial workshop, held in late 2019, brought together scientists, artists and others from the humanities, a space anthropologist, NASA professionals, leaders of space companies, chefs, psychologists and students. 

Webcasts are free and have attracted registrants from numerous countries including France, India, China, Colombia, Kuwait, Poland, Iceland, Singapore, Egypt, etc., demonstrating wide and global interest in the project.


Become an active partner in Humanity In Deep Space through its sponsorship program. As an active supporter and sponsor you will not only demonstrate your interest and commitment to the project’s mission but help ensure that its Webcasts related content and programming continue to be available at no cost to participants. We strongly believe that making the projects content free and accessible is critical to the success of its mission. As a sponsor in addition to the visibility you also will have special access to the growing interdisciplinary network of people and creative thinkers who are a part of this novel effort.

For information on sponsorships and other support opportunities please contact Kris Kimel at or 859-229-6161.