Followers of the science fiction series Star Trek® are undoubtedly familiar with “The Prime Directive” …. which held members of Starfleet® to strict ethical standards prohibiting the interference in the natural development, affairs of other alien civilizations and lifeforms.
As a planet we are now on the precipice of exploring deep space and perhaps inhabiting other worlds such as the Moon and Mars.
In fact, robots, which are simply extensions of us as humans, have been exploring Mars for over a decade. Consequently, is it time for us as a species (to go beyond the Outer Space Treaty of 1967) to seriously debate developing a set of modern, inclusive, enforceable (if this is even possible) ethical standards for space … that extends further than the issue of interference with other forms of life.
Join an interdisciplinary panel of thinkers to discuss the ethical, legal, ownership, nonaggression, and other issues that might be included in such a standard.
Brian Green is the director of technology ethics at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at the Santa Clara University. His work focuses on the ethics of technology, including such topics as AI and ethics, ethics of space exploration and use, ethics of technological manipulation of humans, ethics of mitigation of and adaptation towards risky emerging technologies, etc.
Joel C. Sercel is the Founder and CEO of Trans Astronautica Corporation. A proven space technology pioneer and team leader, he runs an agile company where young engineers are inspired and empowered to build, test, break, and bust through technical limits and mature innovations at breakneck speed. His technical expertise spans space mission design, space propulsion, satellite design, architectural design, and systems engineering.
Dr. Tiffany Vora is a biologist, educator, entrepreneur, and writer. She is currently a Nonresident Senior Fellow at the GeoTech Center for the Atlantic Council and the Vice Chair of Digital Biology and Medicine at Singularity University. Her work focuses on ethical, sustainable technologies and systems that are human-centric and support prosperity and peace.
Kris Kimel is the lead at Humanity in Deep Space and Co-founder of SpaceTango. Prior to this he started and led a range of entrepreneurial enterprises and initiatives.