Human physiology, health and medicine, psychology, technology interface, isolation, human nature, planetary protection,
food, economics, law, conflict, ethics, design, role of the humanities, education. etc.
Strange things can and will happen in space. The story of the two-headed worm…
Sex In Space…Among Other Things a Perplexing Ethical Dilemma
More Interesting Work On Interplanetary Agriculture…
Another Study Raises Issues Concerning Brian Health in Space…
Spaceflight Apparently Impacts Red Blood Cells In Humans
Scott Solomon: Evolutionary Lessons for an Interplanetary Future
Deep Space Exploration: Robots First Then Humans?
Reporter Adam Mann Poses the Question “Is Mars Ours?” in The New Yorker
David Weintraub: What If Mars Is Already Occupied?
Here's how agricultural research in Antarctica helps scientists grow food in space
Moon soil used to grow plants for first time in breakthrough test
NASA’s idea for making food from thin air just became a reality — it could feed billions
Recent paper by NASA scientists surrounding food systems and sustainability in space.
Vertical Agriculture…a pathway for food in deep space?
What Will We Eat in Deep Space?
Space Can Be (Really) Bad For Your Health
Colonizing Mars means contaminating Mars – and never knowing for sure if it had its own native life
Want to colonize Mars? Talk to this outer space anthropologist first
Interesting project. All sorts of implications including for space.
How close are we to being ready for the journey to deep space?
TransAstra’s Ambitious Vision highlighted In Space News
NASA is Recruiting for Yearlong Simulated Mars Mission
Colonizing Mars means contaminating Mars – and never knowing for sure if it had its own native life
Want to colonize Mars? Talk to this outer space anthropologist first
Interesting project. All sorts of implications including for space.
How close are we to being ready for the journey to deep space?
TransAstra’s Ambitious Vision highlighted In Space News
NASA is Recruiting for Yearlong Simulated Mars Mission
History teaches us that the billionaires Space Race is indeed important.
Musk’s (and others) Mars mission presents unprecedented human challenges.
Space Investor and Author Robert Jacobson Explores “Our” Near Future in Space.
A Perspective on Robots: Implications For Deep Space?
Sex...Mars..The Universe- A 500 year plan.
If we find life on Mars...might it be us?
Another Take On Mars. Let’s Not Go...At Least For Now.
Biologist and entrepreneur Dr. Tiffany Vora offers some deep thoughts on deep space.
Can Astronaut Thinking Heal America at Last?
Space Anthropologist Savannah Mandel Talks About Life On Mars