Humanity In Deep Space™ is an initiative involving a planetary conversation surrounding the range of interconnected issues and hard challenges ranging from science to health to food, design, economics, governance, space/planetary ethics, etc. that must be addressed as our species continues the transition to deep space.

If you would like to receive (this is not a monthly newsletter) occasional thoughts, articles of interest and updates from us subscribe here.

  • With humans having now emerged as a spacefaring’s critical that we work to solve not only the daunting science and technology challenges but also the problems, questions and often existential challenges that confront us as we embrace deep space as part of our living experience. And how these new understandings, insights and advances can be leveraged to enhance life and create a more sustainable Earth.

  • Here we discuss various thoughts and ideas surrounding the problems and issues involved with maintaining our humanness and humanity as we transition to deep space. READ MORE

  • Other articles and thought pieces on a full range of relevant subjects. READ MORE

  • Past and upcoming events and select news. READ MORE

  • Our online playlist is a curated compilation of programs we produce, interviews/commentary with a wide range of creative thinkers, experts, and curious individuals from a wide range of disciplines. We also often promote some of our favorite videos and content. WATCH NOW

  • Have a question, like to learn more about Humanity In Deep Space or be added to our database for future information and announcements? CLICK HERE