A place for our Humanity in Deep Space™ community to share thoughts and ideas about the problems and issues of maintaining our humanity as civilization transitions to deep space.
Colonizing Mars means contaminating Mars – and never knowing for sure if it had its own native life
Want to colonize Mars? Talk to this outer space anthropologist first
Interesting project. All sorts of implications including for space.
How close are we to being ready for the journey to deep space?
TransAstra’s Ambitious Vision highlighted In Space News
NASA is Recruiting for Yearlong Simulated Mars Mission
History teaches us that the billionaires Space Race is indeed important.
Musk’s (and others) Mars mission presents unprecedented human challenges.
Space Investor and Author Robert Jacobson Explores “Our” Near Future in Space.
A Perspective on Robots: Implications For Deep Space?
Sex...Mars..The Universe- A 500 year plan.
If we find life on Mars...might it be us?
Another Take On Mars. Let’s Not Go...At Least For Now.
Biologist and entrepreneur Dr. Tiffany Vora offers some deep thoughts on deep space.
Can Astronaut Thinking Heal America at Last?
Space Anthropologist Savannah Mandel Talks About Life On Mars